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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Section 5: Trends and Issues in Various Settings

Chapter 18 discusses instructional design in business and industry. Give an example of rapid prototyping and discuss how this could be used in education.

The video 2009 Year in Review: Hottest prototype technology above sheds light on understanding the dynamics of rapid prototyping.

     Although prototyping often directly relates to the corporate world, its application and utilization within the educational realm is endless. Our book references the rapid prototyping methodologies and how they have been adapted instructional design.  An great example of utilizing various prototypes in a classroom would be storyboarding and the ability to have the project right in front of the student to allow for use of this project as a working model. Also the use of Cad or Solid Works is a powerful technology tool for the classroom.
     I see the concept of rapid prototyping in relation to maps in the history classes and graphic organizers for all subject areas.  Students will be able to alter and modify the project to the desired outcome and never feel as though they are starting over and over. 
     Cad 3-D drawing is a great way for students to be able to have a prototype and then later on see the product.  I taught a Robotics class and the students used Solid Works to develop their prototype.  They took the drawings and built the robot to specifications.  The learning process that goes on in a classroom using this kind of technology is priceless.
     I stumbled across this article  and the idea of using rapid prototyping in instructional design made a lot more sense to me.

Chapter 19 discusses instructional design opportunities in military education and training environments. I had the opportunity to work two summers in Orlando on a faculty fellowship in the advanced distributed learning lab (ADL) discussed in the book and saw first hand some of the constraints placed on some of the tools that could be used for learning. Pretend you are hired as a consultant for the military. They want to use technology in its training, but electronic access is not always available. Using the Full Spectrum diagram, what alternatives could you suggest for a successful program?
     According to the text "Instructional designers are accustomed to examining the skill and knowledge levels of his target audience to determine how to design the instruction and what level of language to use."  When training with technology this would be a way to determine mastery.  The text also says, "The knowledge of learning theories and instructional strategies that will be needed can be employed in virtually any manner:  instructor-led or instructor-facilitated classroom, informal self-study, formal online learning courses with synchronous and/or asynchronous options, or a blend of any or all of these."  This idea leads the trainer to always be prepared for the unexpected and be able to deal with it effectively.
     The three areas of Rank/Capability, Skill Level and Environment will be addressed although they have common characteristics as far as learning.  The issue at hand is the absence of reliable electronic access and how as a trainer to work around this issue. 
     Rank/Capability concentrates on the maturity level of the learner.  As a trainer I will use a hands on format for training and group discussion. The students will be expected to to study at their own rate.  I will prepare copies of instructional powerpoints and also have CD/CD-ROM formats of the training materials available as an option.  Students that are more capable or higher in rank will serve as mentors for struggling students.
     Skill Level concentrated on situations that are unique to a particular culture, an example being an Hispanic new to the environment.  All materials will need to be presented from the Beginner level all the way to the Expert level.  Evaluations of skills and determining learning styles and reading levels will determine the various groups according to the learner’s ability. Having groups with different learning levels and presenting in small units will expedite the learning process.
     Hands on training format would apply to the different Environments of Classroom, Garrison/Base, or Deployed.  Having hands on experience, mentors for students, discussion groups and written text can  be delivered in any these environments.  Real world applications make the learning more meaningful.  As I get older I have learned by relating learning to real life students learn at a much better rate and I am sure the military knows this as well.

Chapter 21 looks at radical educational change in P-12 settings. I visited the Chugach School District in Alaska and know Richard DeLorenzo very well. I can assure you that this change can occur in our schools. Review the Step-Up-To-Excellence methodology and the GSTE. Outline a staff development activity that will introduce both methodologies to your colleagues. 

Staff Development for Systematic Change
  • First I would begin by describing the various differences between piecemeal and systemic change.
  • Then we would watch the following video:

They would then brainstorm some changes that would improve student performance in our district.
The changes that were identified would be discussed as to whether they were piecemeal or systemic.
We would identify the changes that would like to see become required systemic change.
We are a recognized district, so it would be emphasized how the GSTE and SUTE systems are for successful performing schools that want to get to the next step.  That step would be our district becoming an Exemplary rating from the state.
We would go over the highlights of the GSTE and SUTE systems
There would be a discussion of the similar step-by-step processes and how they both emphasize the importance of teams and collaboration.
We would focus on the figures, charts, and data that could help explain the process.
We would divide up into teams and look over the data that would include detailed information of each campus.  Also there would be information from high performing district using this process of change that can be reviewed.
Bringing teams back together they would share their findings and what they would like implemented in our district to facilitate this process of change.
At the end of the meeting there will be a survey for all participants to gather feedback from the stakeholders.  This information would then be shared with the superintendent as well as the school board.

Navigating through the ranks of a faculty member in higher education can be tricky. A good institution has support for its faculty and provides faculty development opportunities to grow and learn. Research three different university offices for faculty development. Answer the following questions for each office:
What are the different names used for faculty development?
What division is it under?
What services does it offer?
How often are programs given and what specifically are they?

Purdue University:  Faculty Development is under the Office of the Provost and they refer to it as Faculty Development. The various services they offer are:
According to the university website every 2 to 4 times a month progams are given.  Various programs are available including new faculty training, encouraging feedback to improve teaching, grant writing, and also ways to increase discussion in the classroom.  

University of Minnesota:  Faculty Development is under the Academic Affairs and Office of the Provost.  The University of Minnesota's goal to become one of the world's greatest research universities relies upon a great faculty. Well-prepared, fully engaged faculty and staff represent the most important asset the University has in times of change.

The university website states that the programs are held on an as needed basis.  In August orientation for new faculty is held with two sessions held.  Several programs are held monthly or each semester. 

DePauw Univerwsity:  Faculty Development at DePauw University is under the Academic Affairs and is a systematic, comprehensive, well-resourced effort to help us all do our best work, to learn and grow as individuals and as an intellectual and teaching community.  The various services they offer are:
  • Short and long-term internal funding for conferences and research travel
  • Stipends for course development and for scholarly and creative projects
  • New faculty orientation, and other teaching workshops
  • Mentoring
  • Sabbaticals and other leaves
  • Opportunities for a reduced teaching load to undertake research or teaching improvement
  • Groups that meet to read, write, and discuss topics of mutual interest
According to the university website several events are held monthly.


  1. Great post. I think that when looking at rank and capability as far as the services go, when compared to each other, some branches focus more on that aspect than others. If you look at a weapons systems in the Navy aboard a submarine or ship, all sailors have to qualify to get their surface warfare pen. It doesn't matter the rank or the maturity level of the sailor, they all are required to qulaify and pass all aspects of the ship that are considered critical to keeping the boat operational.

    Great Post.

  2. Great video example of prototyping. An excellent article you found. Thanks for posting and sharing it with us. Enjoyed the read. Good outline for the staff development on systematic change. I like that you included more than one form of media.

  3. Loved the video. I sure know a lot of people who feel like the guy....sometimes too much change is not good either....
